My name is Jen Marie and this is the story of my life.

My name is Jen Marie and this is the story of my life.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm on a Mission

I'm on a mission
To find a love
That holds
no boundaries
No conditions
That needs no permission
That'll succeed and conquer in every division
I'm on a mission
To find a love that's authentic
Traced back to its descendants
A love that can not be duplicated or replenished
Once dead it'll be diminished
I'm on a mission
To find a love that cures
That doesn't leave my heart bitter and sore
Never leaves me to morn
That'll never have me broken and torn
I'm on a mission
To find a love that's odd
Has the death hearing sounds
Has the blind seeing things
Has the retarded being the smartest
I'm on a mission
To find a love so true
It'll have to be abolished
had me doing things demonic
It made wrong feel good
I'm on mission
To find a love that conquers all
Breaks every law
Maybe the shortest but still stands tall
I'm on a mission to find love
And that's all.


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