My name is Jen Marie and this is the story of my life.

My name is Jen Marie and this is the story of my life.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Counterfeit Clothing

.Counterfeit Clothing.

Contact JenMarie:
twitter: @HOA_JenMarie
aim: foreignaffairs91
email: (Using Subject: T-shirt)!

Contact Pepi:
twitter: @PEPione
aim: PEPione1
email: (Using Subject: T-shirt)!

These two shirts are available, ask for yours now, they will be for sale next week!
Each $20!
Limited Supply! So ask for yours soon before its too late!
I will post everyday, how many of each are in stock. So please, come back constantly.


JenMarie & Pepi promo Tee.
In stock: 10
4S 3M 3L
Please let me know if you want "V-Neck" style.
Click to enlarge.


The Jolly Popsicle Tee
In stock: 20

6S 8M 6L
Please let me know if you want "V-Neck" style.
Click to enlarge.

Please check back for updates. *New shirts will be available soon! Stickers + Buttons will be available soon! Stay tuned!


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